This is a friendly reminder about an upcoming presentation by Andrew Fastow, former CFO of Enron. The presentation is on November 29th, 2018 from 5pm – 6:15pm on the FAU Boca Raton Campus. Please continue reading for all details.
Mr. Andrew Fastow was the Chief Financial Officer of Enron Corporation, an energy trading company based in Houston, Texas, until shortly before the company declared bankruptcy. Mr. Fastow was indicted by a federal grand jury on 78 counts including fraud, money laundering, and conspiracy. He was sentenced to six years in prison, followed by two years of probation.
Hear about his experiences at Enron, particularly about the events that led up to the downfall of Enron; the personalities of those who worked at Enron; and the life lessons learned that can be beneficial to persons of all ages.
On November 29, 2018, we invite all School of Accounting Executive Programs students and alumni to the FAU Boca Raton Campus to see this free presentation. This is an event that current and future accounting professionals will not want to miss out on.
The presentation is from 5:00pm – 6:15pm EST, and will be held in the Grand Lecture Hall (BU-120) within the FAU College of Business complex on the Boca Raton campus (see map embedded below).
If you do plan on attending this presentation, we kindly ask that you RSVP by filling out the convenient form below. Please note: If you are reading this notice in an email, the RSVP form may not appear. Please click this link to fill out the RSVP form.
Andrew Fastow Presentation RSVP Form
FAU Office Depot Center

FAU and the SOAEP extend special thanks to Palm Beach attorney, Mr. Rick Stone for the generous support that made this presentation possible.
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