SOAEP Students –

If you will be physically attending your live lectures on Saturday, January 23, 2016, please follow these parking instructions:

School of Accounting Executive Program Students are welcome to park in the ground floor parking lot on SE 1st Avenue.  The parking lot is south of Broward Boulevard and directly north of the FAU Higher Education Complex.  Please see the following overhead map of the HEC Building and parking lot:

Where to Park


For new students:

If you do not have your Owl Card (FAU ID Card) before 01/23/16, please use the call box attached to the parking lot gate and let FAU/BC security know that you are “a student with the FAU School of Accounting Executive Programs.”  Security is instructed to let you into the lot on 01/23/16 if you do not have your Owl Card at the time of the first lecture.

For returning students:

Bring your OWL Card to gain access into the parking lot.

Physical Address:

111 East Las Olas Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301