You’re Invited!!
We are happy to announce the guest for our first event of this semester: Kathleen Cymbaluk, FBI Special Agent and recruiter. Kathleen has been with the FBI for 19 years with 10 years spent working Healthcare Fraud cases; the remaining time she has been recruiting future FBI agents from college campuses around the country. She will discuss the various positions accountants have in the FBI as well as the distinct requirements to apply for Special Agents and Professional Staff positions.

Kathleen Cymbaluk
Participate live online!!
We will be webcasting this live-video interactive event on Saturday September 26, 2015 starting at 11:30am (Eastern Standard Time) from the FAU Higher Education Complex on the world-renown Las Olas Boulevard in Downtown Fort Lauderdale, FL.
To participate in this live-video event online from the comfort of your home or office, either “Like us” on Facebook, subscribe to our YouTube page, add us to a circle on Google Plus, or connect with our groups on LinkedIn. You will then be automatically notified at the start of the event at 11:30 am EST on Saturday September 26, 2015.
Please click here to receive an email event reminder.
Please click here to reserve your spot at this exclusive event.
Participate in person!!
This is going to be a great networking opportunity, so attend in person if you can. Come early and leave late to enjoy a casual breakfast and lunch where you can meet with students, faculty, alumni, and other like-minded professionals.
Check this out: FBI Facts and Figures Report (2013/2014) lists “Combat Major White-Collar Crime” as #7 of its top 10 FBI Priorities. The Forensic Accountant (FoA) position is designated as “one of the most vital investigative finance and accounting careers in the FBI.”
WHO: Kathleen Cymbaluk, Special Agent Recruiter out of the FBI’s Miami Office. Kathleen has been with the FBI for 19 years with 10 years spent working Healthcare Fraud cases; the remaining time she has been recruiting future FBI agents from college campuses around the country.
WHAT: An on campus and online social media discussion with Special Agent Recruiter, Kathleen Cymbaluk. She will discuss via online live video the various positions accountants have in the FBI as well as the distinct requirements to apply for Special Agent and Professional Staff positions.
WHEN: Join Kathleen on Saturday, September 26, 2015 at 11:30 a.m. in Ft. Lauderdale. Come early and stay after to network at our catered breakfast and lunch. Reservations can be made by calling 877-248-3145 or completed online at:
WHERE: FAU Higher Education Complex – 111 East Las Olas Boulevard – Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 – Suite 1008L – Google Map –
Join us for this on campus and online event to be broadcast via live video through YouTube, Google+, and Facebook. So if you can’t be here in person you can still take advantage of this awesome opportunity. A link to the live online event will be posted to the above social networks at the start of the event, so stay tuned!
Watch this exclusive two (2) minute video from the FBI website about Finance and Accounting Careers at the FBI: